Business Consultation
Every workplace has psychological risks that impact productivity, turnover and economic costs. But most organizations don’t know where to start, or, if they do, they don’t have the resources and time to implement an effective strategy.
Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation
- As the atrocities of residential schools become more openly discussed, businesses are starting to develop strategies to adhere to the TRC’s Calls to Action. This may leave you with a lot of questions.
- What is smudging and should this be incorporated into our office culture?
- What is cultural appropriation?
- How do you remain sensitive to the discussions surrounding Indigenous culture without sounding tone-deaf?
- These are a lot of the questions that are asked as other business owners like yourself have as you work towards developing a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive workplace culture. Ikigai Integrative works from a place of non-judgement to help answer your questions while also empowering you to make informed decisions to benefit your business.
Trauma Informed Practices
- As mental illness becomes less stigmatized, individuals are becoming more aware of the factors that contribute to their mental wellness. As a result, businesses must be more aware of how they impact stakeholders they interact with. This could involve developing policies and procedures to help prevent the development or maintenance of factors that put your staff at risk for trauma. This could also look like educating your staff about how to effectively work with clients, without traumatizing them.
- Ikigai Integrative can help by:
- Educating management staff on the etiology and maintenance factors of trauma.
- Providing workshops on how to effectively communicate with others in a trauma informed manner.
- Identifying factors within your company that put individuals at risk for trauma.
Stress & Wellness Presentations and Workshops
Studies have shown that businesses that invest in the mental health of their staff see significant increases in productivity. This can be due to reduced time being taken off due to stress leave, short-term disability or having to replace new staff due to burnout. Through stress and wellness presentations or workshops participants learn how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health or substance use challenges in their life or among their colleagues. This makes your staff more knowledgeable and confident when it comes to identifying and helping an individual in distress. Additionally, workshops can include topics such as communication and relationship dynamics, which can help to reduce instances of conflict.
If you can show that you genuinely care about the health and wellbeing of your staff, you will find it easier to attract people who will help your company succeed in the long run. Investing in staff by providing mental health training to identify mental health issues and substance use challenges will help all working adults, the organizations they work for and our economy.
Contact us to see how we can help the mental health culture in your business.